Scoring.Racing aquires MyLaps Dealership
Scoring.Racing the leader in web-based race management is excited to announce a partnership with MyLaps to supply transponders and scoring equipment to tracks and drivers. We are going to help tracks optimize their race ay experience and driver’s access to data by using our scoring platform in conjunction with MyLaps transponders and time tracking. “Acquiring a dealership with MyLaps just makes sense to us.”, said Austin Wells Co-Founder. Wells continues, “We offer so many features to tracks to help manage race operations this just made sense. “
Scoring.Racing is authorized to sell all levels of transponders to all levels of sports. Everything from off road racing to marathon and drone racing. Scoring.Racing can help you get the right equipment for your track or participant. MyLaps is a leader in race scoring and time tracking.
Store is active!
At Scoring.Racing, we are committed to providing the ultimate experience for drivers, promotors, and fans. We have our first set of TR2 Transponders live in the store now so take a look at what we have on offer. From Race Transponders to SR merchandise and lots more, there’s something for everyone! Contact us if you need help getting your track off the ground-our team is dedicated to making sure you get the best possible start!